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RT Tulkojumi
Notarial translations – what you have to know about translations with notarial certification?
A notarially certified translation is not needed in all cases, but only in situations as stipulated in the laws and regulations of the...
RT Tulkojumi
Producing a notarised translation requires a properly executed and legally effective original document
The document must contain the following information: name of the document, issuer of the documents, date of issuance, the place where the...
RT Tulkojumi
International language, global recognition: Translation with Apostille
Apostille – document authenticity certification (legalisation) means certification of an official's seal and signature, so that public...
RT Tulkojumi
Document translation – things to know about document translation?
RT Tulkojumi offers high-quality document translation services. Document translations must match the original texts, and each phrase must...
RT Tulkojumi
Can google translate be trusted?
In the course of their work, translators sometimes have to face allegations like "Looks as if it was Google Translate!" Most people,...
RT Tulkojumi
How franchises maintain proper english translations
Once again, the widely popular "Pokemon GO" game has recently brought more thoughts about this Japanese cartoon to mind. One of the most...
RT Tulkojumi
Learning languages with applications
As of today, mobile applications come in great numbers and diversity. These can help you deal with just about anything you may have to...
RT Tulkojumi
12 interesting facts about languages
Language is a complex and fascinating aspect of our life, which scientists believe to have evolved from various sounds: grunts, groans,...
RT Tulkojumi
Interpreters and translators
What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter? An interpreter is commonly a person participating in various meetings,...
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